About us


Interesting, fun and important areas such as engineering and architecture are overrun with boys. There are many ways to interpret it, but we think an important reason lays in how girls are encouraged and enabled to develop some skills, but not others. Men and women differ on a statistical level in spatial cognition (basically the ability to rotate an object inside your head). A skill you grow by practicing doing this outside your head, for example by playing with Lego. Now some toys do target girls in this area,but girl versions tend to be simpler, and less spatially challenging than boy alternatives!

We want to create a creativ playing environment that is equally welcoming for girls and boys. 

cribble bedroom kit

We're convinced that the brain is plastic (which basically mean, you can learn stuff). So we think that if we give girls more opportunities to delve into building and technology they won't only have a much more fun playtime, but also cultivate an interest in STEM fields. That way we can contribute to more women choosing careers where those skills are needed.

Cribble is dipping into the traditional girl play area and giving opportunities for all genders to play around with technology, room and space with creative toys without overwhelming them with signals that this is meant for boys.



1. Create a platform where both girls and boys feel welcome to play their way into all those fun skills that often are unnecessarily confined to “boy games”.
2. Create a kick-ass fun toy that makes your fingers tickle with "pyssellust" (Swedish word describing the lust for fiddling, crafting and making stuff with your hands).